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  • #425848


    Is there any lifehack to make cascaded shortcodes? May be I can put some html code or something?

    For example, I want to make tabs at the left of the page like this:
    And it would be great to be able to put some new tabs inside… or slideshows… or just ANY shortcode.

    It would give limitless possibilities to customize pages.


    Hey Egorro!

    You can enable debugging mode to see shortcodes you have created in pages using Advanced Layout Builder –
    You can switch to Default Editor and click on Magic Wand to see full list of shortcodes
    then you can create any of them and copy/paste shortcode into any other content element or into text widget.



    Debugging mode is a nice feature, you should make a button to activate it without adding code to functions file :)

    I did that already, “tabs in tabs” thing still does not work for me. I tried some shortcodes nested and it seems that most of them work. But some (tabs shortcodes, for example) do not work nested. So, I try to find some way to solve this.

    I am going to try next is to use widget. But it is less convenient.
    PS: Widget didn’t work.


    Any fresh ideas?



    You can’t add another tab shortcode inside another tab shortcode because it considers the closing tag of the inner tab shortcode as the outer tab shortcode’s closing tag, therefore, breaking the shortcode structure. Does that make sense? Maybe, not. Anyway.. try to use toggles inside a tab instead of tab inside a tab.



    I understand this. When HTML appeared there were same limitations. It seems that shortcode is not mature yet. Hope it will be changed soon.



    Please feel free to request it as feature here –


    I am having the same issue

    I have multiple shortcodes nested in side different tabs.

    Tab 1 [Gallery]
    Tab 2 [Video]
    Tab 3 [Map]

    However if I try to sub nest a child Tab set within a Parent Tab

    [av_tab_container position='top_tab' boxed='border_tabs' initial='1']
    [av_tab title='Parent Tab 1' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Parent Tab 1 Content goes here
    [av_tab title='Parent Tab 2' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Parent Tab 2 Content goes here
    [av_tab title='Parent Tab 3' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Parent Tab 3 Content goes here
    [av_tab_container position='sidebar_tab sidebar_tab_left' boxed='border_tabs' initial='1']
    [av_tab title='Child Tab 1' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Child Tab 1 Content goes here
    [av_tab title='Child Tab 2' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Child Tab 2 Content goes here
    [av_tab title='Child Tab 3' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' custom_id='']
    Child Tab 3 Content goes here
    END Parent Tab 3 Content

    It appears that the parent tab element and tab container are escaped by the child tab set

    see screen shot here

    I gather that there is an issue with the original tab shortcode that is not executing ob_get_clean();

    it’s been 3 years since this was initially discussed

    And one years since this thread was opened.

    Is there a solution yet ?

    Actual on other frameworks I believe this was solve by doing the following:

    [av_tab_1] [/av_tab_1]
    [av_tab_2] [/av_tab_2]
    [av_tab_3_1_1] [/av_tab_3_1_1]
    [av_tab_3_1_2] [/av_tab_3_1_2]
    [av_tab_3_1_3] [/av_tab_3_1_3]
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by HuxburyQuinn.


    Kriesi is aware of nested columns request. He replied to one user who requested it and i quote:

    In fact I got a long list of requested features written down which are waiting to be implemented. But with 60k existing theme customers we have to carefully pick our fights. I know, a feature like ”nest columns” should be easily done since CSS Grid frameworks do it all the time. But it often seems easier from the outside than it really is. The way wordpress uses shortcodes (nesting of the same shortcode is simply not possible without breaking wordpress) and the way the builder is implemented (limits in level of nesting depth) make a feature like this very hard to add, even though its a simple request. So hard in fact that it would probably take me weeks to get it right. The fact that it only gets requested once in a while, especially now that we got a solid workaround with grid rows + columns, pushed the feature down the priority lane a lot. Thats not to say it will never happen. I am improving the builder all the time and wordpress is also improving (quite recently there was a new proposal for how shortcodes should work) so in a month or two this feature might be super easy to implement. If the circumstances change the priorities will often change as well.

    Obviously it is in to-do list however it is not as simple as it may sound :)

    Best regards,

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