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  • #570977

    When attempting to load the Dummy Data, with EasyCart installed, a red box comes up around it and a warning tag saying it requires WooCommerce.
    This is an obvious major FooPa for a shop template.

    As I purchased Enfold JUST for the shop template, to find out it will not work with EasyCart, was a huge dissy!!!

    The site is being built (Using a different template) and tested on localhost without any issues with Easycart installed, even though short codes that were in place for WooCommerce when the dummy data was loaded, I just changed them to Easycart shortcodes.

    If their is a workaround/fix/fudge or backdoor to overcome this………I’m listening.


    Hey hydraulic!

    We built our themes around Woocommerce. You can still use another eCommerce plugin if you wish but we do not have any features associated with them.



    Hi Elliott

    That’s fine, I understand focused development and have no issues in your doing so.
    My issue is that it was purchased based on the claim it was Easycart compatible, it’s clearly not.
    Well the shop module in the template is not, as it will not allow me to install it with another E-Commerce solution, that is an issue for me.
    I’m not saying I would not use other modules in your template in the futureI feel kinda ripped off that the reasons I purchased namely –

    A* Shop template looked exactly what I was after.
    B* Compatible with Easycart, as stated in the product page data.

    It’s clearly not B* so fibs were told, perhaps a Porky but distorted facts are an untruth.

    If the shop template module will not load the dummy data, it is farging useless!!!
    Claiming Easycart compatability should be removed from the product page on Themeforest.

    I think that explains it, plus my annoyance at wasting time, I spend more on a trip to the bar, so it’s not the money.

    Tweak the shop module so it can be installed or remove claim of compatability ith Easycart …. simple really.

    Kind regards

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