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  • #1470740

    Hi, I’m after some help please :)

    I’m trying to get a drop down on my shop that has the filter “default” and “by price” only. I also can’t figure out how to get this to show on my product grids? I have product grids on many pages but can’t get them to show them there. (I also don’t want the “display number of products per page” to show.)

    It would be good to have the sidebar with other clickable options like on the demo – but I can’t figure that out either. I notice that the filters disappear on the mobile view, is there a way of keeping them?

    Thank you so much for your help on this,



    Hey glodesign,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The product filter only works on the default shop and archive pages; unfortunately, it’s not designed to work within the product grid element.

    To adjust the options in the dropdown, you can add this filter in the functions.php file:

    function avf_custom_wc_product_order_dropdown($product_order) {
        return [
            'default' => __( 'Default', 'avia_framework' ),
            'price'   => __( 'Price', 'avia_framework' ),
    add_filter('avf_wc_product_order_dropdown_frontend', 'avf_custom_wc_product_order_dropdown');

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael, thank you for this. I have allocated the page I want to sort as the default shop page, added the code, and no sorting is showing apart from one about how many products per page should show which I don’t want on there anyway? Please can you help ASAP


    When I test the function above on my test site, only default & price shows in the “sort by” drop down, to also hide the “display” drop down try adding this css to your Quick CSS in the theme options:

    .template-shop .product-sorting .sort-param-count {
    	display: none;

    this is the result:
    Screen Shot 2024 11 09 at 2.25.55 PM

    Best regards,


    Hi, so I’ve since installed the Barn2 plug in “Woocommerce product filters” but I can’t get it to work on Enfold’s product grid. Please can you help?

    Thank you




    The Product Grid element generates its own query and the plugin might be designed to modify only the default WooCommerce queries or templates. You may need to avoid using it with the Product Grid element and instead apply it to default WooCommerce templates, such as the base shop page or product category pages. Unfortunately, making the plugin compatible with the theme falls outside the scope of support.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael, thank you – is there a paid option for the work to get this sorted?


    We recommend Codeable as a paid option, or possibly Upwork

    Best regards,

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