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  • #1473841

    Hi Guys,

    I have been working with WP and enfold for a little over 2 years now, but never used the blog side of it.

    I’m currently building a new website combining 4 older websites. It’s almost done now and the thing left to do is to get the “Knowledge Base” (kennisbank) from one of the older websites ( – not a wp website) into the new website.

    I imagined this has to be set up as a blog. Since there is nothing else than blogs or pages. No articles or anything.

    I copied all the information in the articles from the older website into seperate new blogs in wordpress (with the intention to style it later). But for now i’m glad i have the actual text copied before the other website is deleted forever.

    What I’m trying to achieve is a layout as close as the old website had it ( so there is:
    a title with search option, a breadcrum path to see where you are in the knowledge base and a menu with the different catagories.
    Once you click a catagorie you can simply see the different article titles (nice and small, no page filling photos etc.) and click them. Once you open an article: on the left side of the screen you can see and click (jump to) different places/headings in the article. and below that you can choose related articles/ or articles in the same catagory.

    Is there a way to make this happen on my new website? Is blogs the way to go? Or do I best make pages of the articles?

    I saw a kind of similar working blog here:

    It has the articles loaded left in the screen. And menu, search options, related articles, catagory menu etc on the right. It looks really nice, and if i can get it to look like this i would be a happy person.

    But… nowhere I can seem to find instructions as how to set this up to look that way. Or do I need a kind of plugin to get closer to a knowledge base?

    I have found some pages on kriesi support helping to setup the blog in the settings/read menu, in the theme options – blog layout, and found an article talking about the different styles of blogs. However i just ended up with a (not so good to look at) page with all of my articles listed one above the other, with huge title, no photo but pencil icon.
    I tried to split it up in different catagories myself by making a page with different color sections and dragging a blogs sections in there (selecting to only show the catagory i want). Now there are a couple of rows showing only three articles. When you click to load the 2nd page of blogs, the page jumps to the top of the screen, and ALL OF THE INSERTED BLOGS go to the second page. So clearly I don’t know what I am doing and I really am butchering this part of my new website.

    I know, I’m not a programmer or professional website builder. But is there anyway where someone can help me set this up? Can I make an appointment with videocall for training or explanation? So someone can guide me through this? I can imagine it is a lot of work typing all this out.
    The professionals helping me building this new website have never worked with wp or enfold (child) before and thus cannot help me a lot guiding me through the theme settings, page builder, exact elements to use etc. So I would highly appreciate if I can get in tough with someone, or if there is a instructional website or video as to how to set all this up. Since I am kind of a newby to website building it is very frustrating not to find any answers/ guidance online or on youtube. And wasting a lot of time while trying to make sense and figuring it out.

    Thanks in advance for reading my inquiry and sorry for the gibberishy non jargon. I am trying to learn, want to understand and get better at this. Cheers!

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Pietzaa. Reason: spelling issue

    Hey pietervanzaanen,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can setup the knowledge base entries as posts with a unique category “documentation”. The demo is created using the Advance Layout Builder (ALB) — it has a Color Section at the very top with a background image, Special Heading + Separator + Text Block element combo and Two Blog Posts element below the Color Section. One of the Blog Posts element displays only one entry and the other is set to have a Grid Layout with 2 Columns.

    To copy the layout a lot easier, you can set the builder to debug mode then copy these code in the shortcode field:

    To enable debug mode, please check this documentation:

    Let us now if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks a lot for getting back at me so quickly. Really appreciate it.

    I am going to view a couple of how-to video’s on styling and building pages, widgets, menus, etc with blogs on enfold. I should learn a lot more in the coming days. Whenever something is unclear in the future, I will get back.

    A good how-to video on Enfold Child can be found here by the way: ““.

    Kind regards,

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Pietzaa. Reason: ealising I am an idiot and need more training
    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Pietzaa. Reason: Realized I am an idiot and need more training


    Alright! Feel free to explore the documentation and watch video tutorials — yes, Ferdy Korpershoek has created many great tutorials about Enfold. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have more questions.

    Best regards,

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