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  • #22412

    I have tried to setup a child theme using the method I normally use. But for this theme it doesn’t work, as wordpress displays the child theme as a broken theme.

    I setup the child theme with a styles.css file with thw following


    Theme Name: New theme

    Description: New theme

    Author: name

    Template: Enfold

    Version: 1.0


    @import url(“../enfold/style.css”);

    Are there instructions for setting it up for this theme, or are there files with just a blank child theme.


    Hi, I use the child theme and it works, try putting the name of the parent theme in lowercase.

    Look, that the CSS in this style.css are not included in the header.php file.

    I just add the stylesheet link before the </ head> and it’s good:

    <!– Adding styllesheet for my child-theme –>

    <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/style.css” />

    You can use the editor in appearance section WordPress now.




    Thanks for your reply. I use child themes so I don’t have to touch any of the existing files in the main theme, as any changes I make to the main theme files get overwritten when the theme is updated.Is there another way to do it. So wondering if there is another way to do it, rather than making changes to the existing theme files, in order to create the child theme. I have found with other themes they do have a sample child theme already setup with just blank files. I think part of the problem is that the styles.css in this theme doesn’t contain any styles in it.


    Hi lounge35,

    Kindly check this thread:



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