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  • #538297

    Hi, how can I set woocommerce catalog view like Enfold Shop Demo? ( –> Enfold Shop Demo )
    If I put a “product slider” via “Avia Layout Builder” in a page, I’ll see woocommerce products like the plugin layout, together with read more and details buttons.


    Hi integraing!

    Which element are you referring to on the shop demo? If it’s the “Recent Sellers” then yes that is the product slider.

    Best regards,


    What i have: What i Have - Enfold

    What i want: What i want - Enfold Shop

    And how can I display a second image when the mouse hover the product?



    You can remove the buttons in Dashboard > Enfold > Shop Options > Product Layout.

    For your second question it would be best to contact Woocommerce support. Perhaps they have an extension you can use for that.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for support, it worked!

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