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  • #1321733


    I’m working with a custom post type. This custom post type has the Aviva Layout Builder activated and I created and saved a template in the layout builder. Now I would like every new created post of this post type to have this template already set as a default. That means all the blocks should be already placed etc.
    How can I set a template as default for new posts?

    Best regards


    Hey wiv-online,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    There is an option in the builder where you can save an existing content as template. Unfortunately, you cannot set this template as the default content for posts, so you will have to add it manually. Please check the following documentation for more info.


    You can also create custom element templates from a default builder element.


    Best regards,



    is there really no possibility via php to set a default template?



    It is possible but you will have to create your own routine using the aviaSaveBuilderTemplate class. Before post creation or on transition_post_status, you could trigger a function that retrieves a specific template and subsequently applies it to the newly created post. Unfortunately, this is beyond the scope of support. You may need to hire a freelance developer or contact our partner, Codeable.

    Best regards,

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