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  • #1077300

    Hi Kriesi’s team….Again thank you for your amazing work !

    I have a big problem with the contact form ( I red the pas posts on the same subject and tried everything…)
    Here’s the situation :
    I have about ten websites on a dedicated server with the same configuration : WordPress+Enfold.
    Everything was running smoothly but about ten days ago, the server had a big crash during a maintenance.
    Since this, none of the contact form on the websites is sending emails.
    When I test them one by one the situation is always the same : it says that the email has been sent but nothing else happens, no email in the corresponging email box…
    Would you have a solution to this problem ? it’s very worrying me as my clients are starting to ask why its not working.

    In advance, thank you for your help.


    Hey nnn666nnn,

    Wouldn’t this be a server problem if everything was working before the crash? Did you verify that your installations are able to send emails at all for instance? You can check that by requesting a new password from WordPress for instance. This is might help you out as well:

    Best regards,

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