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  • #213492

    The product slider on all my pages has stoped working and is screwing up the layout of the page. Also, whe I want to edit the page ‘home’ I can’t it comes up with the wordpress sidebar and the button to click on default editor, and that prestty much it.

    My client is about ready to kill me at this point.

    I have WPML installed and it was working pretty much fine.. I deactivated all of that and problems still persist.

    Please help.



    Hi brycenagels!

    Can you post the link to your website? If you have any other plugins installed, please try deactivating them all.



    the site is active so I can’t deactivate all plugins for extended preiods. I did however test that with all plugins deactivated and the issue persisted.



    Please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply. There’s a weird “yit-wcan-container” div in the product slides code which probably breaks the slideshow and which is not part of the standard theme or woocommerce code. I’m pretty sure a plugin or some custom code adds this div to the product slides…

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I tested a yith sidebar plugin of some sort, but have since deactivated it..

    that may be the issue.

    let me know what you find!




    I deactivated the “YITH WooCommerce Ajax Navigation” plugin and the slider works now.



    Sigh… I though I had got rid of that one!

    Thank you.


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