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  • #1168477

    hi guys, is it possible to create a separate menu for mobile screens?


    you mean a different hamburger menu?


    i actually have my site displaying the burger on desktop as well so the option for an alternate mobile menu doesn’t show.


    Well you can have classes on menu list points each – so create a main-menu
    the one that should be displayed on desktop devices got then a different class then the mobile devices menu list points.

    the red arrows on menu page shows how to activate the menu-item classes field – open first on top “Screen Options” Flyout- then mark “CSS classes”.
    that littel arrow besides each menu list point – click it – then you can set a custom-class for each Menu Listpoint.

    The rest is quick css with display:none

    By the way – Enfold sets on default :
    desktop devices got on html a custom class : avia_desktop
    and mobile devices got: avia_mobile

    so for example: ( see image above)

    .avia_mobile .only-desktop {display: none}
    .avia_desktop .only-mobile {display: none}

    or if it is not meant for devices but for screen-width do it with mediaquerries.


    so a different way – elegant but more work to do is to register your own mobile menu



    , great explanation, thank you.
    @bobfurgo, were you able to implement this?

    Best regards,

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