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  • #845897

    Hello there,

    Thanks for the great theme, which I’m trying to install for my website purposes.

    Taking your Services page setup as an example (http://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-2017/pages/services/), is it possible to link to each of the tabs/products in that section to a footer menu? Or anywhere else outside of the services page? I tried it on my setup without much success. For some reason weren’t opening the page and service section.

    I’m also wondering if it would be better for SEO purposes to link the tabs/icons to individual child pages under Services? Would that give more juice and value to search engines? This point is especially important to me given that it is the services section where everything we do is listed.

    Given the points above, I’m interested to hear what you think the best setup should be as I could only see one option for a services pages given in your example. Look forward to hearing from you.

    Many thanks,


    Hey boogieboa,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Use the url’s hash to trigger the appropriate section.

    // custom script
    function add_custom_script(){
    	function g() {
    		var tab  = $('.av-tab-section-container').length;
    		var hash = window.location.hash;
    		if(!tab) return;
    		$('.av-section-tab-title[href="{ hash }"]').trigger('click');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_custom_script');

    Create custom links with the tab section title fragment identifier/hash. Example:

    etc. etc.

    Best regards,


    Thanks. Duly noted.



    Ok. Let us know if you need anything else.

    Best regards,

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