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  • #1411948

    Hi there,

    I want to add a button on my page that sends people down to a specific section. How can I do it? I see that if I use the option “insert button” I can link to categories, posts and so on, but how to send people down the page to a specific point?

    Thank you,


    Hey SimonePols,
    To send people to a specific location on your page to would first add a unique ID for the section that you want to send them to. For example lets say it is the color section with the text heading “BEFORE JOINING OUR PROGRAM” in the backend, edit the color section and go to the advanced tab and go to the developer settings, then add a unique word to the ID option like “beforesection”
    Then in your button, or custom menu item, or in a text link on your page you can use the link #beforesection to link to that section:

    Best regards,

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