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  • #971972

    Hi, I have the secondary menu set-up and have changed the background color in the Advanced Styles. The secondary menu appears when I’m on the dashboard and preview the homepage. Yet when I look at the site on my laptop using the latest Chrome, Firefox and Safari it doesn’t appear. I’ve tried this on a few other computers and I get the same results…no secondary menu/top bar

    I tried turning off all the plugins to see if that was the cause, but no change. I removed all the custom CSS to see if that was the cause but once again this wasn’t the cause.

    Enfold 4.4.1
    Wordpress 4.9.6


    Hey Snerp,

    Thanks for the update.

    What is the name of the secondary menu? The “Enfold Child Secondary Menu” in the Appearance > Menus panel is currently not set.

    Best regards,


    I have the issue solved, looks like a server caching issue with GoDaddy. All good now :)



    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hi there! My secondary menu seems to disappear at smaller resolution sizes. Any advice on how to get this to display at all resolution sizes?


    Hi kjwaggz, This code is hiding it, please remove it or adjust it.

    Best regards,

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