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  • #1303522

    How can we add a Product Search Icon in Small Bar above Main Menu, so it’s either next to the phone number or the opposite side?

    Is there a way to allow the Logo, Search Icon and Default size Burger menu to display on mobile without hiding behind each other?
    example –

    Also, I have the Append search icon to main menu, however it is not there on desktop view.



    Hey Dave,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You should be able to use this css code to adjust the position of the search icon and move it beside the phone number.

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
      #top #menu-item-search {
        z-index: 100;
        position: absolute;
        top: -45px;
        right: 250px;

    The elements in the header are arranged properly on mobile view as shown in the screenshot below.


    Would you mind providing a screenshot of the layout issue?

    Best regards,


    When the Burger (Mobile) Menu Icon Style is set to Default Size (not small) it hides behind the logo.

    I’m looking for a solution to fix this. –

    I tried your code it’s in the Special CSS however it made no difference.

    Sorry to be a pain

    Cheers Dave


    Hey Mate
    When I added that Special CSS the Menu and Headings lost some styling.

    The menu lost the colour (turned grey) and got smaller. The Headings when from Upper and Lowercase to UPPERCASE.
    So I added */ /* to the special CSS until we know why.

    Here are some screenshots

    Before adding Special CSS –

    After adding Special CSS –

    Hope that makes sense :)

    Thanks again for your help

    Cheers Dave



    Thank you for the update.

    The css code has been commented out and the other css media query has a missing curly brace. We corrected those and disabled the Performance > File Compression settings temporarily. It should work properly now.

    Best regards,

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