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  • #295332


    I have made the most stunning website and I was wondering if there is any way to add a scroll down arrow, like the one that scrolls back up?

    The reason I would want a feature like this is because I feel that perhaps with the full screen photo’s, some people might not know that they can scroll down. This would obviously not be something everyone would want, since every web page is different.

    But it would be great to have a feature like this. This and the icon color request and our website is perfect! (exactly to every spec of my company directors)




    Hi Johan!

    You can go to Appearance > Menus and add a new link with #socket for url – then using menu item ID you can customise the button. You can simply target #socket and any button would scroll down to the bottom of your page



    Hi Yigit,

    Any way not to do this in the menu? I would like a transparent button to be visible on the bottom right until you would scroll down. Like the scroll up button that appears.





    You could add the html for one in the header.php file, add css to get the same css effect or just add the css so it targets the menu ID. If you aren’t comfortable with the css a freelance developer from either Envato Studio or Codeable would be able to make the customization for you.


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