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  • #742868
    Go to pages and choose “conditions tarifs”.
    Impossible to save a block text at the end of the page in the part “Tarifs”. When I click on “Save” button, the text version is displayed and nothing is saved.


    Hey Xavier,

    I see your problem, could you try updating to the latest version of the theme (3.8.5) to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    Bonjour, Good morning,

    I updated to 3.8.5 but it’s exactly the same.
    The page “Homepage” is very long to load and I still can not edit text
    blocks at the bottom of the page.



    Hi Xavier,

    Thanks for the feedback. Your problem is likely due to open html markup somewhere in your content, it’s very difficult to find though. Could you try duplicating the page without adding any markup like strong text or any inline styling? After you know that everything is working as it should you can being to add styling to it.

    <strong>Bold text closed properly</strong>

    Best regards,



    It’s impossible to change content of text block in the page. Nothing happen when I click on save and it’s not possible to upadte the page.

    There is something wrong in the page.

    I will have to rebuild it.

    Your theme is fine but it does not support large page with a lot of informations. Perhaps you need to work a little bit more on html content.



    Hi Xavier,

    I would recommend that you copy the text from the front end into new elements on a new page, it shouldn’t take you all that long to reproduce it I think.

    Yes, we need to work a bit more on html content. Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the problems.

    Best regards,


    I think nthe procblem come from the “Section ID” where I wrote “<br /><div id=”top”>top</div><br />”.
    When I use more tahn anchor, the problem appear.
    I need to delete all the “color section” because it’s not possible to delete what is inside the “Section ID”.



    Thanks for the feedback, why would you add HTML to the ID field? Concerning your issue I think this might be causing it.

    Best regards,

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