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  • #1326980


    We love building sites with Enfold! We have build over 80 sites and counting. Lately we have seen a greater demand for websites that must fully comply with WCAG 2.1 AA.

    Although you are working on this and meet a number of requirements, there are also many points for improvement. What are your plans to fully support this (on technical level and support for functions for content managers)? Are you actively working on this?

    A few examples that aren’t quite right yet:

    • Incorrect use of landmarks (<main>, <footer>)
    • Unnecessary/redundant roles
    • Some invalid schemas for
    • Inline style not in <head>
    • ..

    Would love to hear your plans on this!


    Note; We have seen the latest update 4.8.7 with some great improvements!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by vdlpwp.

    Ping! Hello Enfold. Could you please respond?


    Hi VDLP,

    Thanks for contacting us and sorry for the late reply!

    We are working on improving accessibility more actively lately as we have also seen the greater demand for it. Though, we cannot promise a full support at the moment as it is very challenging to implement all the requirements into ALB.

    We continue improving it, the next update will include a fix for the issue mentioned here – With that fix, Enfold 2017 demo scores 96/100 on Lighthouse. We will continue experimenting with Lighthouse and fix the recommendations.

    We might get there eventually by applying the changes step by step but we would not want to make any false promises :)

    Best regards,


    Hello Yigit,

    Thanks for your reply! And good to hear you are working on this!

    Could you check private content?



    Hi Nico,

    Please see private content field :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks Yigit!



    Thanks! We will keep the thread open and wait to hear from you :)

    Best regards,

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