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  • #289083

    When deploying to our client’s web host, network solutions, the Revolution Slider began creating 500 error code messages. We had no problems before the migration from our development servers. Disabling the Revolution Slider plugin brings the site back to normal. Enabling it produces the 500 error and extreme sluggishness.

    There are many other users having the same problem. ThemePunch is directing those who did not purchase directly from them to the theme developer who included the plugin. Can you help?


    Hi Vada!

    Thank you for using the theme.

    How did you transfer the website? Did you use WP MigrateDB or WP MigrateDB PRO? In order to migrate the theme successfully and leave the database intact, please use this plugin.

    Refer to this link for more info on how to properly migrate your enfold website from production to development vice versa:–wp-32684



    You can close this thread. I mistakenly posted to the wrong theme forum. To fix the problem I purchased the recent version of the Revolution Slider and overwrote the files that came with the theme. The updated version of the slider fixed my issue.



    Glad you figured it out! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues


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