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  • #1190249

    I was wondering, if it’s possible to use the animated numbers and count down from 1000 to 0 for example. Setting beginn number to 1000 and the number to 0 is not working. Would be great to get a reverse counter.


    Hey Christian,

    Please try using Animated Countdown element :)

    Best regards,


    oh. You mean the perfectly suited element, doing exactly what i wanted, right next to the one I was using? ^^

    Thank you Victoria :)


    Hi nomorebeans,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    How do you do this if the Animated Countdown element only works with time, rather than plain ole numbers or dollar amounts? I want to show how we cut costs for a client, going from $0.15 to $0.02 cost per result. — I can get the countdown to count UP to $0.02, but that’s not really ideal.

    I also need to count down using percentages, like so:
    Cost per Purchase
    2017 $3271
    2018 $606 (86% improved)
    2019 $414 (32% improved)


    Cost per Lead
    Early 2017 $696
    2017 $217
    2018 $101
    2019 $93.

    I was also trying to do this with progress bars, but that only allows for percentages that go up to 100%, and I have stats that look like this, showing year over year improvements:
    Number of Leads
    2017 0
    2017 209 (100%)
    2018 2,140 (924%)
    2019 2,577 (18%)

    I’m starting to think that I’m not going to be able to make this part of our site look slick with the features in Enfold, but maybe somebody has some ideas. Thanks!


    Hi traypup,

    You might want to look for a WordPress widget or a plugin that has this function.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,





    Let us know if you need additional help in the forums!

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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