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  • #1090957

    Hi Kriesi Team,

    I just checked my website’s performance via google page speed check and the result is not good. According to the results and suggestions the main issue is, that there are ressources, that block rendering (see the link below). When i open the details, there are things like popups or lightboxes mentioned, that I don’t use on my website. In the Enfold settings I of course enabled not to load any elements, that I use. I disabled external video functions as well as the blog etc. I made all settings, that are suggested in the “performance” section in Enfold and installed the suggested plugins.

    Of course I know that things like the server and used image also have effect on the page speed and I also have to change some of my images, that are just placeholders up to now. But according to the results of the page speed check, the blocking ressources are the main issue.

    I also added login data to my page below for the case that you want to check the settings.

    Perhaps you can give me any hint to find out what is the problem with the ressources.

    Thanks in advance and best regards


    Hey Michaela,

    The password you have provided is not working – can you please check?

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    I generated a new password. You find it below.

    For your info: As you will see I deinstalled the cache plugin to look for an external alternative on the server. But as far as I understand this has no influence on the renderung of the css fies.

    Looking forward to your feedback.

    Best regards



    Thanks for the update.

    The file compression options are enabled but the stylesheets and scripts are not being minified. Please try to install a plugin to compress or minify the files. You can try one of the following plugins.


    To enable the cache policy for static resources, you have to add this configuration in the .htaccess file.


    These suggestions are based on the recommendations provided by the page speed insight tool.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismail,

    thanks for the answer. I don’t absolutely understand why I need the comoressing option within Enfold and the minification plugin (and gzip is active on the server, but here I know the difference), but it works and so there seems to be any… ;)

    Only with the leverage cashing there seems to be a problem. Since it isn’t included in the code from GTmertrix, that you linked to, I added the following line to the section #others:

    ExpiresByType font/woff “access plus 1 year”

    But it does not work. Do you have an idea?

    Thanks in advance and best regards


    Update: I found a solution for leverage caching of woff
    For others, who are searching:

    AddType application/x-font-woff .woff
    ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff “access plus 1 year”



    Thanks for the info. Glad that those suggestions help somehow. Please don’t hesitate to open a new thread if you need anything else.

    Best regards,


    Hi Enfold team,

    are you absolutely sure, that fast velocity minify is compatible within Enfold? When I add Quick CSS code I have to disable and enable the plugin again before the layout changes are visible in the frontend.

    And in addtion: The last thing GTmetrix is requesting is “defer parsing Javaskript”. I have this option in fast velocity minify. But there is a warning: “Not all, themes support this. Beware of broken functionality and design”. So what about Enfold? Can I use this option?

    Best regards



    Thanks for the update.

    You should leave the cache and compression plugin disabled until you’re actually done with the site. We haven’t really tested the “fast velocity minify” plugin, but most minification plugins offer the same functionality, so they should work fine. Only way to know for sure is to test it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for the answer. Before I test it one question to be on the save side: If I enable the above mentioned feature in the plugin and there is a problem is the code than “destroyed” at all or is it fine again as soon as I disable the feature?

    Best regards


    Hi Michaela,

    Ideally, you should have a test server where you can test all the changes that you need to be done on your website. Yes, it may break again or may not break, it should be fine with the feature disabled.

    Best regards,

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