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  • #1255004

    Hello, I have few issues with the video in Easy Full-width Slider:

    1. I placed a video in the Easy Full-width Slider on homepage. There is always a thin black border on both side in the slider. Not really full width :(
    May I know how to fix this issue, please?

    2. I would like to increase the height of the slider (video) when the screen width shrinks. It is okay to crop both sides of the video a bit. My aim is to make the video more prominent on tablet/mobile screen. I want to have the same responsiveness like images in the Easy Full-width Slider. May I know how to make this customization, please?

    3. The video could not be shown on mobile screen (e.g. iPhone). It is forced to showing the fallback image. Is it possible to have the video autoplay on mobile?

    Thank you very much!!!



    I checked your website and there are no lines around the video on my end. Attached a screenshot in private content field below.
    The reason height shrinks on smaller screens is to avoid displaying black lines and videos are disabled on mobile for compatibility reasons.

    Could you use Video element on mobile to display your video instead and hide the slider on mobile? :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    Thanks for your reply! I cannot see the black border today too!
    Then I might use the video element instead.



    Thanks for the update and feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    The problem was solved and you can close the case :)

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