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  • #303381

    Hi !
    To have a sidebar with a color section in my page without issues, I use a 1/3 widget area and 2/3 content in the avia builder. It works, but with a smartphone resolution, my 1/3 widget area comes at the top, and content under. I’d like to hide this 1/3 widget area like a classic sidebar on smartphone. Could you tell me how can I do this please ?
    Unfortunately, I work on local mode so I can’t send you an URL of my website.
    Thanks for your help !


    Hi SphereEvenements!

    Thank you for using the theme.

    First, get the body class id of the page by inspecting the source code using google chrome’s inspect element or firebug. Use this on Quick CSS or custom.css to remove the 1/3 column layout of the page on mobile device:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .page-id-3000 .flex_column.av_one_third.first .avia-builder-widget-area{
    display: none;

    The .page-id-3000 is the page body class id. Yours might be different.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael !
    It works ! Thank you for your help :)

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