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  • #1004480

    I just upgraded to the latest Enfold theme and now we no longer have a responsive menu showing on mobile. Additionally, when I did the upgrade it added all sorts of padding above the menu header so that all our backgrounds for the header area were off. I had to fix that with css since nothing else worked (i.e. changing the header size etc. in the theme itself). Even if I remove the css I used to fix that however, the mobile menu never shows up. I am unsure what to do at this point as I have spent several hours trying to trouble shoot this.

    Oh also, after the upgrade our layerslider completely disappeared so I had to re-add the images for that. But it also removed the taglines that were on the slider so I have to go in add those again yet.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by waterwalk.

    Hey waterwalk,

    Are you using a child theme to make the edits and add CSS? If the CSS was added to the main theme styles.css it will be overwritten when the theme is updated.

    Please remove the custom CSS that is added and the menu should work fine and we can help you with the necessary CSS to fix the header.

    Best regards,


    No Vinay, I have been doing design for a long time and I have a child theme with a separate style.css for exactly that reason – so that any changes do not get overridden. I’m trying to figure out why despite all my settings being the same the responsive menu no longer shows. The only change I have made is upgrade to the latest Enfold. When I did that it caused a huge gap of space above my header so I currently have a margin-top set to -24px (because nothing else would fix the gap) BUT BUT BUT (I say that 3 times on purpose so you read this part) – I removed that margin-top setting and the responsive menu still did not show so the lack of responsive menu is not due to that setting.

    Additionally, on my debugging window for mobile I am seeing the following as being in the active part of the code:

    <a id=”advanced_menu_hide” etc. – should that still be showing when I’m on mobile and WANT the menu to show? I thought that seemed strange.

    It’s frustrating to do a simple upgrade and then spend hours trying to fix something like this. Do you have any other suggestions? Thx.


    I have found the problem. The update set the #header_main_alternate to ‘display:none;’ in layout.css (a stylesheet which I have never touched so that must be part of the upgrade). The responsive hamburger menu is located within that div thus the menu would not show. I have added css to make it show but that seems like it needs to be fixed. Below is the default code I found in layout.css (before I added my own fix):

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px)
    .responsive #header_main_alternate {
    display: none;



    Thank u for reporting – we do appreciate it a lot.

    Best regards,


    I had this same problem when I updated a few days ago. I had the extra blank space at the top of the screen and my responsive menu is now gone. I didn’t realize the problem with the menu on the smartphone & tablet until today. I was able to get past the problem with the blank space, though to be honest I do not recall how that was done. I am not as experienced as Watermark.

    My Topmost menu at the top of the screen is working ok. My Primary Nav menu is my Enfold Main Menu and it would normally appear as a menu icon beside my logo in the responsive menu, but it is missing. I removed two menu options from the top level with the thought that maybe it was now too wide after the update (though it should not have been affected). Shortening the menu had no affect. What do I need to do to regain this menu access on the responsive screen?


    Hi TCTM,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

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