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  • #460556

    Hi there,
    Please refer to and when you click on the calendar, you will see this

    My question is how can I change the text PREV in the calendar to Chinese as well?

    Thank you.


    Hey Jon!

    Please use this plugin to translate untranslated strings –

    Best regards,



    I’ve installed the plugin, but i’m not sure it’s a missed field in the translation. Could you kindly let me know how i can navigate to the Contact Form calendar to change the text into Chinese? Please refer to my attached image above, you will notice that the English Text “Next” is translated into Chinese but not Prev.

    Thank you!


    Hi there, no worries, I’ve figured it out. Thank you for your great help a always Yigit!

    For anyone else that has the same problem and manage to find this thread, to use to translate untranslated strings, you can search for the untranslated text in the Enfold package, and simply key in your translation after.

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