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  • #1099219

    Dear @Ismael,

    I need to filter the placeholder and icon in Enfold’s search box.

    In this thread ( I found your solution for filtering the placeholder:

    add_filter('avf_frontend_search_form_param', avf_frontend_search_form_param_mod, 10, 1 );
    function avf_frontend_search_form_param_mod( array $params )
    	$params['placeholder'] = __('My Search','avia_framework');
    	return $params;

    This works perfectly. But I also need to filter the submit icon (the magnifying glass), replacing it with the word “search”. In the same thread, I found CSS to hide the box:

    #searchsubmit {
    #s::placeholder {
      content:"Your text";

    I tried to add

    $params['searchsumbit'] = __('Search','avia_framework');

    to the script but that didn’t work ;)

    Then I looked at the article about Enfold standard icons ( I didn’t find a solution though to replace the icon with text.

    Is there a way to filter the icon as well?


    Hi guys,

    any ideas about the search icon?



    Hi Ritchie,

    Unfortunately, it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However, if it’s really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,


    Hi @Victoria,

    thanks for the heads-up! Would it be possible to simply adjust the width of the blue box with the magnifying glass in it?



    Use custom css to do that. There are many tutorials online on how to modify these.


    @smartstartinc You’re absolutely right – I know how to use custom css :)

    Just in case anybody googulates this:

    #searchsubmit {width:130px !important;}
    #s {width:350px !important;
    border:1px solid #d4e4f1  !important;}


    Glad to hear that you fixed it. And thanks for sharing. We’ll close the thread now.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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