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  • #549974

    I would like to know how i can replace the ‘read more’ text with the Enfold-button.
    The Enfold button:
    [av_button label='Read More...' link='manually,<!–more–> ' link_target='' size='small' position='left' icon_select='yes' icon_hover='aviaTBicon_hover' icon='ue841' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' custom_class='']
    (The link in the code isn’t working as a shortcode for ‘Read-more’. i don’t know what shortcode to use)
    This button has a nice option to add an icon displayed on hoover! That would be a nice read more button; different kind(categories) of posts, different icon! (I would like to keep the Arrow but replace the text ‘read-more’ with this Enfold button)


    Hey Dutchman,

    I’m not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to do there, could you link to the site in question and try to explain a bit further please?



    Hi Rikard,
    Translation: Lees meer = read more. knop=button.
    I would like to add a button to my blog posts that replaces my current ‘read more’ button. The button i would like to use has the option to display an icon on hover. This one:
    [av_button label='Read More...' link='manually,<!–more–> ' link_target='' size='small' position='left' icon_select='yes' icon_hover='aviaTBicon_hover' icon='ue841' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' custom_class='']



    try to use the button you want and for “link” value, put your link (!more) in question.



    Hi Andy,
    It won’t work. My current settings: Title, Summary and Read more. Enfold, Blog: “Advanced layout editor to build your own blog”.
    When i insert the read-more tag in a post it does not replace the current tag. I tried a button but the button doesn’t show up at the main blog post website. Could you take a look please?



    I think this is more about a general WordPress question, than a theme related one. Refer to and check out the WordPress general forum about this.



    Is it possible to replace the default read more with a manually read more tag in Enfold? Because with my current settings (see previous post) a manually inserted read more does not do anything. Or is the manually insert option for ‘read more’ only made for posts that do not have the default read more option active?



    You can if you create a custom excerpt. If you do not see the excerpt field when editing your post then click on the “Screen Options” button in the top right hand corner of your screen and check it to display.

    Best regards,

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