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  • #506745

    I want the posts on the pension-news page to look like the individual posts and include the title and an excerpt. of 4 lines of each post. I’ve tried different settings but can’t get it to look like I want it to look.


    Hey sbisllc,

    Could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.



    My goal is a consistent look. Sometimes the pencil is displayed; sometimes it isn’t. I want to be able to set the size of the pencil.
    I am using the Advanced Layout Builder for the posts so I can control the look and content. No changes are needed for the posts.

    Here’s what I get and what I would like:

    1. When I click Pension News from the menu, I get a large pencil on the left followed by the post title and, under the title, the Read more link but no post text. I would like each post on the Pension News page to have a small pencil followed by the post title. Under the title, there should be at least 4 lines of text from the post followed by the Read more link.

    2. When I click on President under the Pension News Categories in the sidebar, there is no pencil. I get the post title and under it, the date, post categories and author. I would like a small pencil followed by the post title; no category or author. Under the title, there should be at least 4 lines of text from the post followed by the Read more link.



    1- Please edit your posts and click “Screen options” on the top right corner and check “Excerpt” and then scroll down below your content and add your excerpt manually. You can also set a featured image to your posts which will replace pencil icon
    2- Please try using “Enfold latest news” widget instead



    When I use the enfold latest news widget nothing shows up on the pension news page because none of my categories are listed. I’m still stuck with the pencil and, even though I’ve turned off the date, author and category, they still are being displayed.

    This site has to go live and I have no solution.



    I tried to login using information you have provided here, but does not work for me. Could you please check? make sure to use newest theme and WordPress versions. Clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times. Try to deactivate all plugins to see if one is causing this issue.


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