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  • #1234499

    Hi, At first thank you so much for creating this theme and the support!

    My question:
    When I turn an ‘element’ in the ‘Icon List’ into a link I get an underline. I only want an underline by a mouse-over (same as in the menu).

    I found this code on the forum, but It doesn’t work for me:
    #top .av_inherit_color.av_iconlist_title.iconlist_title a {
    text-decoration: none;
    #top .av_inherit_color.av_iconlist_title.iconlist_title a:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;

    Best regards,


    Hi Britt,

    This CSS is causing that to happen:

    #top .av_inherit_color a {
        text-decoration: underline !important;

    I can’t see exactly where it’s coming from since you have file compression active. If you need further help then please turn that off under Enfold->Performance so that we can see where it’s added.

    Best regards,

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