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  • #863160


    Is it possible to remove the white space that is left at the bottom of the rows? [The ones with the YouTube videos]. Already tried removing padding without success.

    Thank you!



    Hi again!

    I managed to remove the white space, but [I don’t know if it’s possible] is it possible to open a Facebook video with the lightbox effect? [As for the YouTube videos].




    Glad you figured it out!

    You can link your Youtube videos to your buttons or images to have them open in a lightbox :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    How about Facebook videos? I only managed to have the ligthbox effect in black [without the video].




    This is not able to be accommodated by Enfold by default, but perhaps you can find a lightbox plugin which can be used and styled to match.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    Ok, good to know, thank you!



    No problem at all. Do you need additional help, or shall I close this thread?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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