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  • #890013

    I would like to create a new menu for added pages and remove the main menu that shows up now.on added pages. What would be a good way to accomplish this?

    Also I am having trouble getting the theme contact form to work.

    Thanks for any response in advance!


    Hey klr454,

    So you are looking to have 2 different menus?

    As for the contact menu, what exactly is happening?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Yes, when I add a page the main menu doesn’t work on the added page, its because the main menu links are anchored for the home page sections. So when I am on an added page and click on the home button it doesn’t go anywhere. I added website example in private.



    Please try to add the full URL of the links instead of only the anchor, for example:

    Best regards,

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