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  • #511024

    I want to delete the preloaded LAYERSLIDER WP slider to install the original. preloaded layerslider there is no command to delete and deactivation.

    I’ve tried them but did not anything

    please help my.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by dimhack.

    Hey dimhack,

    Please try adding the following to your child themes function.php:


    Best regards,


    everything is fine. I removed the preinstalled and added the original.
    But now I have a problem, but no no my page is not traced.

    I have the following error one can look ??
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function post_has_layerslider() in /home/dkimageg/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/config.php on line 157

    I added this to the preinstalled


    help my


    I have the standalone Plugin too! and this works perfect.

    What do you mean by adding ?
    Installing quiet normal as all other plugins ! or do you replaced the layerslider folder in themes folder ?? :wink:

    because your Error is not logical if you have installed the standalone plugin than layerslider is in plugins folder not in the themes folder
    the code above add_theme_support('deactivate_layerslider'); in your child-theme functions.php prevents the implemented layerslider from loading – so no config.php of layerslider in themes folder is loaded ???


    I disabled the plugin as I said above. and properly installed standalone plugin as is done in all the plugin


    What should I do now?????

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by dimhack.

    I removed the code as it was before. and installed the genuine plugin onto preloaded (layerslider from enfold). correct this ??? Now will I get the automatic updates from layerslider?


    yes you should once you insert your purchase code into LS panel.

    Best regards,

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