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  • #214302

    Hi Guys,

    I have just finished my site – – and I removed the mobile redirect of the home page that I had previously set up, along with Layer Slider because I don’t need it. I thought that doing these two things would help my load speeds but at first it seemed to make them worse. Now they seemed to have steadied a bit but I am concerned there are still some lingering issues.

    So I deactivated and deleted layer slider from the plugins tab, but it still shows up in my WP back end. Then I added this code to my functions.php – add_theme_support( ‘deactivate_layerslider’ ); – but the layer slider tab still shows up in the left column of my wp backend. I was hoping you could check to see if I’ve disabled it properly, because I am concerned I haven’t and that it is showing still in the template files and causing bad requests and so reducing load speeds.

    I also went through my css to get rid of any unnecessary code I wasn’t using, and found this code that I didn’t remember using and couldn’t figure out what it was doing. Maybe you can tell me :

    ::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */
    color: white
    :-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */
    color: white;
    ::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */
    color: white;
    :-ms-input-placeholder { /* Internet Explorer 10+ */
    color: white;

    Lastly, if there are any general tips you guys have on reducing loadspeeds or if there is any documentation about reducing load speeds using Enfold it would be very helpful.




    Hey deyowulf!

    As far as I know this is the only thing Kriesi uses to help the load out of the demo:

    With not using LayerSlider it shouldn’t be impacting the front end load time. Other than that its the standard things like keeping your image sizes small and that should put you at a good point without any issues on load times.

    Best regards,


    Hi Devin,

    What about the CSS?

    Or being able to confirm if I’ve properly uninstalled/deactivated layer slider? It’s still showing up in my WP back end despite deactivating and deleting it from my plugins and also adding the deactivate function to my functions.php…





    Please edit functions.php, find this code:

    if(!current_theme_supports('deactivate_layerslider')) require_once( 'config-layerslider/config.php' );//layerslider plugin

    Replace it with:

    //if(!current_theme_supports('deactivate_layerslider')) require_once( 'config-layerslider/config.php' );//layerslider plugin

    Remove browser cache then reload the page. If you have a cache plugin, flush the settings.



    Hi Ismael,

    I added it to my functions.php in my child theme – didn’t seem to do anything I can still see the layer slider tab in my wp backend. Do i need to edit the original functions.php file? I would rather do this through a child theme.

    And for the third time, can you please tell me what that CSS code does?




    The CSS changes the color of placeholder text in text fields. In general we are not a resource for identifying CSS.

    If you are not using LayerSlider on a page then it has no impact at all on your front end. It doesn’t matter if its disabled through the theme or not as I first said above.

    I can’t say why it would be showing after telling the theme not to load it but if you aren’t using it then it isn’t effecting your site.


    Ok thanks Devin

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