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  • #1397168

    After recent updates of both Enfold and Event Calendar Plugin, the recurring events aren’t showing organizers and venues.

    It works correctly with single events.

    Could you please give us some clue in order to solve it?

    Or is it possible to use directly the plugin layout instead of the Enfold’s layout?

    Thanks in advance


    Hey ergates,
    Thanks for your patience I’m not sure about the recurring events but I see on the Event Calendar Known Issues page they point out to If it’s a recurring event, be sure to choose the All events option and in this support ticket from 3 weeks ago they say there are issues with PHP v8 and recommend downgrading to PHP 7.4
    Perhaps this will help, if not can you include an admin login so we can check?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    we’ve been working around with this problem for a few weeks and we couldn’t find a solution.
    For recurring events, venues and organisers do not show in the info box. We have the PRO version of The Events Calendar.

    We opened a ticket to Events Calendar PRO and their answer is:

    I can see that your site is using a theme that provides a custom layout for the Events Calendar pages, and the single event is showing two blocks on it (the Event Classic and the Venue blocks), while the recurring event page is not with the Venue block, but you can manually add it.

    Could you please give us some clues to solve this issue?


    Thanks for the feedback, so when the PRO version is disabled the recurring events show the organizers and venues?
    Do you have a recurring example that is current that shows both the organizers and venues when the PRO version is disabled that we can see with an admin login that we can test enabling and disabling the PRO version?
    Perhaps it would be best if you can create a staging clone of your site that we can check?

    Best regards,


    This fails with PRO version. Cannot try it with free version as Recurring events are part of the Pro version.

    Feel free to check in the staging version we’ve just created (info attached)

    Let us know if we can do something else.


    Thank you for your patience, I have asked the rest of the team for advice, please leave the staging site active so they can text and reply, or I will reply when I hear back.

    Best regards,


    Hi again!
    after last updato of Evennt Calendar last week it seems to be solved.
    Thanks for you help! I will let you know if we see some problem with new version.


    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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