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    Starting my own thread per your instructions..

    Creating my own thread fo the reCaptcha issue


    Hey Gene,

    Please see private.

    Best regards,


    Once extracted, how do I do the upgrade??


    I was looking at the Captcha stuff.. do I also need to get a Google key for reCaptcha v2??


    Hi sfranks12,

    No, you just need the key for the one you’ll be using.

    Did you manage to update?

    Best regards,


    What key? all I got was the password to extract it.. What do I do with the files once extracted?

    Ismael Wrote:

    The reCAPTCHA script is creating an error but I’m not exactly sure how. Please try to upgrade the theme to the beta version. It contains improvements for the spam protection feature. Check the private field. Extract the file using any extractor software like WinRAR or WinZip and RAR Extractor Free for Mac.

    Best regards,

    Nothing about what to do after I extracted them..


    Hi sfranks12,

    Please have a look at our docs on how to use reCaptcha

    Best regards,


    I looked at the docs and have set it up like it says, got teh keys and everything.. and according to the previous post that quoted Ismael, the recaptcha script seems to be causing an error, so he wanted me to update to the beta version, which deals with this. BUT, i extracted the theme using the password provided, but I do not know how to update the site with it.. The only key I have is the one running on the site now. I just need to know how to get the BETA files imported into the site.


    Hi sfranks12,

    Oh, ok, you need to overwrite the theme files via FTP, or you can rename the old enfold folder, make the new one, upload the new files and when everything works ok delete the old renamed enfold folder.

    Best regards,


    Will it effect the Quick CSS i have already, or just the files and nothing on the back end



    It should not remove anything from Quick CSS, but you can back it up locally as a precaution anyway.

    Best regards,


    I did the copying and all..

    I try to revalidate my key and this is what I get “Could not connect to the internet. Please reload the page and try again”

    Now the submit button on my contact form is stuck saying “Authenticating…”

    Anything I need to do on my end??

    I need to get fixed quickly please..

    UPDATE: I got a new token key and tried to revalidate, still same issue as above

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by sfranks12.

    OK.. It is now working.. I guess it took a while to get authenticated

    Thank you for all your help.. I guess the beta Enfold worked like you had planned it should..

    Quick question, though.. when the new version comes out, should I update or stay where I am at for now??

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by sfranks12.

    Disregard the below info.. I am now able to successfully connect to Google..

    I am getting this in the Google Services area of the theme:

    Check reCAPTCHA API Keys Version 2
    Error on connecting to Google reCAPTCHA – please retry.

    The response parameter is missing.
    The secret parameter is invalid or malformed.

    Check reCAPTCHA API Keys Version 3
    Error on connecting to Google reCAPTCHA – please retry.

    The response parameter is missing.
    The secret parameter is invalid or malformed.

    Even though it seems to be working on the site and even has the little Google Captcha emblem at the bottom.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by sfranks12.

    Please close this thread.. everything seems to be working now..




    Great! We’ll close the thread now. Please don’t hesitate to open a new thread if you need anything else.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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