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  • #1351662

    Dear Support:
    What is the most effective way to realign elements across multiple columns, especially when the initial element varies in height? In other words, I have special heading followed by images. The special headings have different heights, because the text varies, but I’d like the images below them to all realign so they are even.
    I know I can control the spacing below the special heading, but is there a way to do this dynamically? For example, is there a way to take the highest Special Heading and apply it to all?
    Many thanks for the help.


    Hey Timothy,
    Thanks for the link to your page, I think I understand, try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance ▸ Editor:

    function custom_equal_height_script() { ?>
      	$('.home .entry-content-wrapper').each(function(){  
         var $columns = $('.flex_column.av_one_fourth>.av-special-heading>.av-special-heading-tag',this);
         var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(Math, $columns.map(function(){
             return $(this).height();
         $('.home .entry-content-wrapper').each(function(){  
         var $columns = $('.flex_column.av_one_fourth>.av-special-heading>.av-subheading_below',this);
         var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(Math, $columns.map(function(){
             return $(this).height();
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_equal_height_script');

    this will adjust all of the av-special-heading-tag & av-subheading_below to match the height of the tallest one, please see the screenshot in the Private Content area.
    Note that your last column has a different bottom padding, you should correct in the element.

    Best regards,

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