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  • #190647

    For testing I uploaded Enfold on one of my domains.
    It worked perfekt.
    Then I uploaded it on my final Domain destination. Since this time it makes problems. One copied example:
    Strict Standards: Non-static method AviaHelper::save_string() should not be called statically in /webspace/15/71392/ on line 41

    I dont know what I have to do that it vanishes – even in Google it shows the Error when you search for my Studio Name “GS13 Studio”

    Please help – I tried to deleate and upload and program the Website several times…
    Thank you very much in advance


    Hey Günter!

    But those errors are not displaying in the actual page, i’m only seeing in the search results, they will probably vanish in the following days, re-indexing can take some time.



    Hey Josue,
    thank you for your answer.

    One minute ago i copied the following lines out fo the Layout Builder:

    Avia Layout Builder:
    Strict Standards: Non-static method AviaHelper::save_string() should not be called statically in /webspace/15/71392/ on line 41
    Layout ElementsInhalt ElementeMedia Elements

    So you can see that it is still in the template. Is it ok? Or is something wrong?
    Thanks Günter



    So are they appearing in the backend? can you create an administrator account and post it here as a private reply?




    You can hide the errors by editing wp-config.php and add this code:

    @ini_set('display_errors', 0);

    Best regards,


    what will happen with the search engines when I add this code? Is it bad for my ranking? Should it be that the template provides errors?
    Where in wp-config.php shall I add this code? In the first row when I open it?
    Best regards,



    It won’t affect your ranking, it will only hide PHP errors, put it in the first lines.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    You can use one licence only on one project. You should purchase new licence for your new projects.


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