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  • #968684

    Hi there,

    I have an issue with my quick css when Enfold performance css settings are enabled (merging and compression). It seems that my new rules are not taking into account when the settings are on.
    However, my CSS rules are taken in account when the caching rules are disabled.
    I also tried to check the Delete old CSS and JS files setting, desactivate the cache, but no effect unfortunately.
    I have another issue related to Enfold 4.4.1 ( I don’t know if there is a link between both.
    Could you take a quick look?

    Best regards,


    Hey dimitrilpc,

    That is correct, you may not see the changes until the cached files are cleared. However, caching is important for a website performance. So whenever you make any CSS or JS changes please disable the CSS and JS merging in the performance options. Once you are happy with the changes you can enable the caching and merging options :)

    Did you try to check if the other issue is fixed when the merging is disabled? Please let us know in the other ticket as we do not want to mix up both the issues.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    Thank you four your quick reply. The cache files are cleared, however there is still no effect… About the other issue, it is not fixed when the merging is disabled as it is stated in the other thread. But yes, let focus on this one.

    With the inspector, I can see that the merged file doesn’t contain my latest rules in the Quick CSS. I really don’t know why.

    Best regards,



    You may not see the changes until the cached files are cleared in your browser.

    Please perform the below steps to clear the browser cache:

    1. Disable “merging and compression” for CSS and JS files from Enfold > Performance (I believe you already did this).
    2. If a caching plugin is installed check the plugin settings and clear the cache and deactivate the plugins for testing purpose.
    3. Hard refresh by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F5 on your browser or press the F12 key to open chrome dev tools and right click on the refresh button and select “Empty Cache and Hard Reload”.

    If you still cannot see the changes please check if you are using a CDN like cloudflare and deactivate it.

    Best regards,



    I also did the hard refresh. I tried another time this morning, still not working.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,

    I have fixed the issue. It was indeed related to this thread:
    I have removed a broken function in my child theme’s functions.php. I guess the structure of the function changed drastically between 4.2 and 4.4. Everything went to normal after this.
    Thanks Vinay for the support :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Dimitri,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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