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  • #665638

    This is my THIRD time posting the same question. I don’t know why but… the system isn’t taking my entries??
    Let’s hope third time’s a charm.
    I have 4 different sliders all with own captions and sub-captions. I need to be able to control (move) each set of caption on the slider to the right, left, up, down etc. respectively so they are in proportion with image behind. Can you send me or show me some “Quick CSS” code to achieve this please? Just need examples enough to figure it out to application.

    MUCH Appreciated!!


    Hey collinssafety,

    I’m glad to help you with this issue and i’m personally following it up. Let’s concentrate on one ticket multiple tickets will delay the response. we are closing this ticket as i have replied to your old ticket. Just send me the requested information there and i will help you out :)

    Best regards,

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