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  • #174605


    As I’m not using wpml, bbpress or woocommerce on my site, I was wondering if I can delete these config folders and if there is something else I need to remove too?

    I’m also translating the Swedish language file, as the included one isn’t even 60+% translated. If I remove the folders (question above), is it possible to remove all the unnecessary lines too? I’m using Poedit.


    Hello Semel!

    Yes, you can remove these folders but you also need to delete some lines in functions.php. Open up the file and search for

    require_once( 'config-wpml/config.php' );


    require_once( 'config-bbpress/config.php' );					//compatibility with  bbpress forum plugin


    require_once( 'config-woocommerce/config.php' );				//compatibility with woocommerce plugin

    Delete these lines and afterwards you can delete the folders. If you want to remove the strings from the po/mo files you can use Codestyling to “re-scan” the files: http://wordpress.org/plugins/codestyling-localization/

    Best regards,

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