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  • #197969

    I would like to use the enfold theme for another project (another client)
    I understand that I can use the theme only once / per one client?
    If so – do I need to open a new account for the client in order to purchase it again?



    Hi danadyb!

    Yes, you need a license for each (sub-)domain and probably each client uses a different domain and thus you need a new license for each project/client.

    You can buy the Enfold theme with your account or you can create a new account for the client. If you purchase the theme with your account Envato will add another “Enfold” item to your “purchased item” list and your client won’t be able to download updates etc. I’m also not sure if you can create a second user account for the support forum because the new license key is also connected to your username “danadyb” and our forum will probably not allow your client to create a new account with the license key which is connected to your Envato account. If you want to allow your client to use our support forum and to download updates without using your account I recommend to create a new account for the client.

    Best regards,


    ok- I will create a new account for each client (I have now 2 clients that ask for this theme)

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