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  • #431793

    I’m trying to get this page to show sub-categories of products only I have about 30 sub-categories I need to show as if they were products (which is how this element usually works, as used elsewhere on this dev site).

    Is there a way to show sub-categories only using this theme? I must be completely missing things!


    Hi innovnate!

    You can use our product grid or product list elements to display products from specific categories.

    Woocommerce also has it’s own shortcodes you can use,



    Thanks Elliot. I don’t want to show the products, only the sub-categories main ‘image’, for the user to click through to then see all the products of that subcategory. Its an index of sorts if that makes sense.



    Oh I see. Kind of like this right?

    If you navigate to Dashboard > Woocommerce > Settings > Products > Display you can set your “Shop Page Display” to “Show categories and subcategories”.



    Yes kind of! Looks like this:

    I have tried setting shop page display to categories and subcategories, but possibly because I have to use a custom page layout (using the builder) it doesn’t work on any of the elements I have tried. I cant use the standard shop page, as each 1st tier category has its own text/page that goes with it!



    It seems to be working fine on my XAMPP setup. Let’s try the following.

    1. Deactivate all plugins except the base Woocommerce plugin.

    2. Delete all content you have inside the shop page.

    3. Completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.



    I think there is a miscommunication here. I want the Product Grid element to display subcategories not individual products. The shop page itself will/does show subcategories, but isn’t useful to me as I need other elements from Avia Layout Builder to construct a custom page which includes these subcategories.

    I have however, tried everything above!



    Use the woocommerce shortcode in a text or code block:

    [product_categories id="44" parent="0"]

    Add the category id separated by comma.



    Hi, I have done that, but the styling of it sucks! (check at the bottom of the page you’ll see I have done as suggested, and it has white/grey alternating lines behind the category pictures)

    thanks for all your help!



    Did you add a code wrapper element? It doesn’t look like that in our installation. Use a text block instead. Make sure to switch to html or text mode before adding the shortcode.

    Looks like you

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