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  • #772326

    Hello, I installed today the new version of Woocommerce 3.0.0

    The problem is that the featured image is not displayed on the product page, it appears blank, but when you click the large image is displayed.

    I think it may be some problem of incompatibility with the theme … Can you help me?

    This is a product page:



    I have the same problem, a solution would be super
    Heiko / Pit Bull


    You need to set the product image / product gallery


    There is already a couple of threads dealing with this issue.

    You might be interested in overloading the product-image.php from WooCommerce 3.0 with the old one from 2.6.14 as a temporary workaround.

    For those familiar with child themes
    For those NOT familiar with child themes


    I have tested this on our test server, now comes this error.

    ” Notice: WC_Product::get_gallery_attachment_ids ist seit Version 3.0 veraltet! Benutze stattdessen WC_Product::get_gallery_image_ids. in /pages/83/60/d0010882/home/htdocs/wordpress_pit-bull-eu_Test/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3829 ”

    The article image is now displayed under the error message.


    @Pitbull_germany just turn of the Debugging in wp-config. This is just a notice about a deprecated function call. It is neither an error nor any dangerous. It is caused by the old template file overloading the new one.


    OK, i will test it.


    Now it is running, but all the control buttons, in the shopping cart, are displayed in English instead of German.


    Because the translations are missing. Workaround: Install Loco Translate and translate your self


    The product gallery and product image is set


    Ok, i will try it with “Loco Translate”
    Thank you for your help.


    Same here, please fix this problem so we can work without any headaches =)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by luizomf.

    With your guide,
    then translated the rest with “Loco Translate”, everything is now running.
    Thanks a lot for this
    But what happens with the next update?


    @pibull_germany most likely all translations will be included in the upcoming updates. Translations are kind of teamwork done by the community. It is pretty normal that new versions lack some translations because the community seldom uses beta versions or release candidates. They start as soon as the new version has launched and the missing words are spotted.


    Hello all,

    Same problem on my website – at botanicallyinclined. org
    Is someone working on this problem please? I’m a bit disappointed, Enfold theme has worked so well and kept up with the updates until now.
    An update to fix this problem is very necessary and urgent; and without going around with old versions of woocommerce. What’s the point of going around like that?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by BotaniCa.

    @BotaniCa please follow my suggestion and see the many answers of satisfied users in that thread.



    Thanks as always :)
    Please update WooCommerce to 3.0.1

    Best regards,

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