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  • #879672

    Please see link in private section, I added a product grid and select ‘let user pick by displaying a dropdown with sort options’ however no sorting option is displayed above product grid. I’m running latest Enfold, wordpress and woocommerce.


    The site has been moved to production, URL in below. You can use the same account to check. Please DO NOT change anything that will break the site.


    Hi zhoupc,

    Please disable any caching plugins you might have, and looks like the JavaScript files are either missing or are blocked in .htacces.

    Best regards,


    It’s probably because I was changing something while you looking at it. Can you please try again? I don’t see any errors on my end.
    I’ve tried disable all plugins and clean up .htaccess file but no help.


    Hi zhoupc,

    Okey, I see that now.

    That setting means that the products will be sorted according to that, bot showing sort options for the grid.
    Image 2017-11-24 at 15.08.23.png

    WooCommerce Extra Product Sorting Options

    The sorting might be available on the WooCommerce pages that are not built with Advanced Layout Builder.
    Best regards,


    The problem is the option ‘let user pick by displaying a dropdown with sort options’ if I select that no sorting option is displayed, it should be part of Enfold functionality since I’m using product grid from Enfold?


    For “Let user pick by displaying a dropdown with sort options” the default value is defined at Default product sorting. The Default setting can be set at Woocommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Display -> Default product sorting.
    The Product Grid element is an addon element for Woocommerce, that is why it gets it’s setting from Woocommerce and not from the theme settings.

    Best regards,


    You’re not answering my question Mike. My problem is by selecting that option there is NO dropdown displayed on top of product grid. I don’t care the sorting method but I want the actual sorting option displayed. Make sense?



    We added a filter in the functions.php file but it’s not working. Please edit the config-templabuilder > avia-shortcodes > productslider.php file, look for this code around line 597.

    $avia_config['woocommerce']['disable_sorting_options'] = true;

    Set the value to false.



    Great Thanks it’s working now. Is there a way to preserve this change in child theme when upgrading Enfold in the future?



    Yes of course.
    Please take a look here

    and you will be able to load the file from a child theme!

    Best regards,


    Great. Got my site fully working without any problem now. You can close this ticket.



    Great! If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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