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  • #1159086

    Dear Enfold team,

    unfortunately I am very late with updating Enfold and WordPress on my website. Yesterday I updated WP to the latest version 5.3

    After that, there is a problem with some details of the layout: The images of the social icons in the header are not displayed any more, the H1 in the colour section as well as the next H2 in the content area are not displayed correctly. You can find below a link to a screenshot of the home page as it looked before as well as the link to the password protected updated version.

    I know the the Enfold theme is also not the latest version. Unforunately I am serveral versions back. Since my Website runs at an sftp server, I have to make the upates manually. Do I have to make the updates step by step step or can I update directly to

    Thanks a lot and best regards


    One further information: Now I made all updates: WordPerss and Enfold are now in the latest version. But unfortunately the social icons are still missing and the H1 and first H2 are displayed wrong. I compared the Child theme settings in my backup version (without updates) and the updated version and the settings are identical.



    Thanks for the login details, the WordPress ones are not working though. Please check and verify.

    Unknown username. Check again or try your email address.

    Best regards,


    Hi Richard,

    I doubled checked the login in details, that I sent you, and for me it works.

    Nevertheless I created a new admin user. Please find below.

    The rest of the details are still the same.

    Thanks and best regards



    Thanks for that. I might have tried the wrong details yesterday. Anyway, I can access the backend now.

    Please try this in order to fix the missing icons:

    About the headers; what exactly is wrong with them? Please try to be as specific as possible.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    sorry, that my description was not clear enough. Please have a look at the font on this website: is a password protected copy of the website to develope it before going live. Up to now the only difference is, that WP and Enfold are not updated at b2b-markenfuehrung. I did not make changes in the settings. Please compare the font of both websites in the frontend. You will see, that the font is not displayed corretly after the upate. I double checked the font settings in the backend and there are no differences.

    Best regards


    Update: Now it works. It seems as if the reason for the problems with fonts was the same as for the missing images.

    So you can close this ticket. Thanks a lot for your support.

    Best regards



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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