Hi, the way your tables works is a bit glitch, if I enter text into a filed, then change the field type for default row to heading row, for example, the text is deleted and has to be re-entered.
I see what you mean I think it may be a bug indeed. I played around with it, and I think making this change does the trick
Please ***make a backup*** and open up /config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/js/avia-table.js and find line 147-150 that looks like
var template = $scope.find('.avia-template-row .avia-table-cell:eq(1)');
row.find('.avia-table-cell:not(.avia-table-cell-style.avia-table-cell, .avia-table-cell-delete.avia-table-cell)').html(template.html());
and change it to look like (from line 162)
$table.find('.avia-table-row .avia-table-cell:not(.avia-delete-row .avia-table-cell):nth-child('+(index + 1)+')').removeClass(classNames).addClass(newClass);
then find line 135 which looks like
var select = $(this),
delete it, and paste the block of code below in its place (from lines 155-158)
var select = $(this),
current = select.parents('.avia-table-cell:eq(0)'),
elements = select.parents('.avia-table-row:eq(0)').find('.avia-table-cell'),
index = elements.index(current),
Please let us know how it worked out. It seems to work, but Kriesi will need to do his magic here since this is out of my depth.