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  • #318585

    Hi, I’m having some issues using SSL with enfold theme.

    1. Special font characters (entypo I believe?) aren’t displaying over https. They’re showing up as either boxes, chinese characters, or they’re just invisible.

    2. When I’m on a https page (eg. my account), and click onto the logo, it directs me to the https version of my homepage, which doesn’t work, and should link me to just the http version (the css and javascript don’t load on https version).

    I’m using W3 Total Cache with Cloudflare, so I’m not sure if this is causing the issues?

    Thanks in advance for your help.



    Try using this plugin:

    Best regards,


    Won’t that just cause the same problems to appear on every page? I don’t really want the whole site to be https, I just want the few pages that are to work properly. Thanks.



    You can use this plugin instead to apply secure connections over specific pages that you want: http://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-https/installation/



    Worked like magic!

    Thanks for the help friends.

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