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  • #529849

    Dear Support Team,

    It is a strange affair. We have created a page on our website Icon lists in two columns. At the top of the page, the icon lists are displayed in the mobile version of each other, so as it should be. Further down the page is another icon list shown in two columns, which will be displayed side by side on the smartphone. That’s difficult to read and should be displayed below each other ?!

    Here is a link to page. The password for the private blog is the private content:

    The same problem happens with the image that contains the table.
    We have attached two screenshots to view.

    Where did we go wrong? We would be delighted to receive your help and thank you :-)

    best regards

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by LorbeerDesign.

    Hello there,

    I have just found out that the problem has something to do with the color sections. I have created a test page in which you can see that the elements on top of the Color Section “OUR VISION” organize itself in the mobile display to each other. If you scroll down, two weietre Color Sections. After these two Color Sections I placed in columns 3 images. This will not be displayed below each other in the view on the smartphone.

    Link to test page:

    I hope this is of help to you and you can help me to solve the problem.



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    We are aware of the issue and it is currently being investigated. It only happens when a combination of elements plus a few color sections are added inside a page. For now, make sure that all elements are inside a color section, just like what we did here:

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    this is definitely a solution that works. I hope you will soon find the error, because every editor must take good care that all elements placed in a Color Section.

    But first thanks for your help :-)

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