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  • #662525

    I’m having some problems with blog page layout in a website I’m arranging for others, temporarily on
    Blog posts have been imported and layout is not nice from the beginning, but nevertheless if I set the “single author, big preview” layout, the sidebar gets under all posts and the footer+socket are getting very little at the page bottom.

    Only the grid layout seems to function, but I would avoid the grid layout.

    Awaiting your kind support,



    Hey bsgroupsnc,

    Please update the theme to the latest version. That should fix any issues you are currently experiencing :)

    To update to the latest version follow the simple instructions here. (Or if you want the super detailed explanation you can read this blog post)

    If that does not help, feel free to reply here and we will take a closer look at the issue. In that case please also add your WordPress login credentials (in the “private data” field) so we can take a look at your admin area

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    thanks for your information. I tried to update, but I got this message and update does not occur. Maybe you might better have a look… I write credentials in private area. Thanks a lot :-) Barbara

    The update process is starting. This process may take a while on some hosts, so please be patient.

    Enabling Maintenance mode…
    Updating Theme Enfold (1/1)

    Downloading update from…

    An error occurred while updating Enfold: Download failed. transfer closed with 6708939 bytes remaining to read

    Disabling Maintenance mode…

    All updates have been completed.

    Go Back to Enfold Child Theme Panel


    Hi, did you have time to have a look in the meantime?
    Thanks in advance


    I managed to update to latest version through FTP, but the problem still persists. Can you pls have a look?



    We are sorry for the delay. Please refrain from bumping or replying to your own thread because it gets pushed back to the end of the queue and moderators won’t be able to provide a response immediately. Please be patient while we go through the rest of the queue. Thank you for your understanding.

    We checked the site today and the page looks fine. The sidebar is positioned to the right correctly. Could you please provide a screenshot of the issue?

    Best regards,


    Dear Ismael,
    thanks for your reply and sorry for bothering.
    The sidebar is ok because I found the problem myself in the meantime. ( It was due to a text table from a blog post, which had been imported from previous site – see link below). The table shrank all blog posts and layout of the actual site.

    Thanks anyway for your help
    Kind regards

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