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  • #22766

    Hi guys!

    Enfold is fantastic, an amazing piece of work, but I’m having a problem upgrading to the latest version.

    I keep getting ‘Destination folder already exists.’ Upload failed. I’ve changed the name of the zip file but it does not help.

    Am I missing something obvious?

    Thanks in advance,



    Hi Iain,

    You’ll need to update via FTP in that case. Some servers are set where the wordpress user levels don’t have permission to re-name folders or overwrite them. So when you try to install the theme file again, it doesn’t allow it.

    Installing via ftp is pretty quick and simple but here is a video that will help:




    Thanks Devin!


    Sorry Devin, one last thing, if I replace the Enfold folder with the new Enfold folder via PTP, will all my previous theme settings be lost?


    That should be FTP.


    Sorry for the truly silly question but where do I see that there is a new release of Enfold and update? I am running version 1.3.1. and within WP I don’t get any notification that there is a new release of the theme nor where do I go get it.

    Also, I read somewhere here now that you need to do that via FTP. How do I make sure the pages I created are not overwritten by the new installation? I just created the “About page” so far, so I don’t risk to lose too much, but since I am not a techy it took me two days to do a really nice about page with animations, sliders and a few other things and I also loaded quite a few images in the gallery, so will I lose everything after I upgrade?

    Thanks ;-)


    All theme settings, pages, posts etc are stored in your wordpress database. So writing over the theme files doesn’t effect them or your settings. So as long as the theme name is still Enfold, the theme settings stay the same.

    You can subscribe to get emails whenever the theme files are updated in your Downloads section on Themeforest. Just check the box for it and you will get an email whenever Kriesi uploads new files.




    Do I only need to upload the new, unzipped Enfolder file via FTP into the Theme folder of WP? Where do I see that the new version is installed correctly? I just did that (copied the new unzipped Enfol folder into WP Theme folder) and I still see the 1.3.1 version under Appearance–>themes in WP backend and I do not see the woocommerce or the new things? Do I also need to re-import the dummy data? If so, I renamed the “about” page because I am afraid I may lose that if I click on import dummy data again…

    Besides, I did subscribe on day 1 on Themeforest to get notified of new updates and got no notification…I checked the spam folder and there was no email from Envato or Themeforest or whoever, so clearly something went wrong with the notification.

    Any idea?


    PS: One last thing: is there a way to know when someone replied to your posts in this support forum? I don’t see any checkbox for that and so I don’t know if I get any reply unless I go back to it every now and then and sometimes I may forget what I wrote where… ;-)


    1) Kriesi forgot to update the version number in style.css – so it’s still 1.3.1.

    2) No, please don’t re-import the dummy data.

    3) We have no influence on the themeforest notification system – maybe it takes some time and you’ll get the notification with the next update.

    4) For now you should be able to use the rss button to subscribe the rss feed. Kriesi will redesign the website when he comes back (he’s on a trip for a week) and then we’ll use the new bbpress forum plugin which also supports email notifications.

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