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  • #24024

    I have a problem when I tried to edit the content of a text block in the editor, it doesn’t load anythig at all becoming imposible to edit it.

    Here is a screenshot.

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    Hi juanfra93,

    You’ll need to up the amount of memory wordpress is allowed to use on your server. Here is a good couple of steps and ways to do that:

    Going up to 128 should prevent this from happening.




    As I am suing Hostgator i put the memory limit in 256 but it isn’t working. It only happend with the text block, the others work fine.


    It happend with all the blocks, but only the part of the editor doesn’t work. I talk with someone in Hostgator and the php limit is right.



    Set the Avia Layout Editor to debug mode. Please add this on your functions.php.

    //set builder mode to debug
    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug()
    return "debug";

    This will show you the actual shortcode. You can see it at the bottom of your Advance Layout Editor.

    Text Block should look like this

    [av_textblock ]
    Click here to add your own text

    Do you have Enfold 1.5?



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